Today (February 1, 2025 [BWTA - before WagTimeApp])


Today (February 1, 2025 [BWTA - before WagTimeApp])

I went to the dog park with my husky, Charlie, because it was a nice, sunny day. It's only a little over a mile away so not too much of a trip. When we got there, it looked like no dogs were there, but we walked up anyway. When we arrived, I could see why there weren't any dogs there... it was pretty muddy. It had rained yesterday plus some of the snow melted. I decided not to let Charlie run around so we went back to my car. A woman was there, letting her dog out of her car so I let her know it was muddy. She was appreciative that I told her so she was just going to take her dog for a walk. This is another reason why I wanted to have the Wagtimeapp.... to know the conditions of the park. Of course, it's also to know if any dogs are there or going there. When we all download the app, we can report on the dog park conditions and find out if others will be there. Hope you do so and please give us your feedback.