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Main Features of WagTime

Dog Park Locator
Find Parks Near You
Explore an interactive map showcasing nearby dog parks based on your location.
Detailed Park Info
View park names, locations, facilities and user reviews to make informed decisions.

Playdate Scheduling
Plan Your Visit
Schedule trips to your favorite park by selecting a date and time.
Join Playdates
Browse the shared schedule feed to see upcoming visits by other dog owners.
Instant Notifications
Notify and get notified when someone joins your playdate.

Notifications and Reminders
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Receive alerts for schedule confirmations and upcoming playtimes.
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Stay updated with nearby park events and updates.

Chat and Social Features
In-App Chat
Connect and chat with dog owners attending the same playdate.
Follow Fellow Owners
Build your dog-loving network and make lifelong friends.

Ratings and Reviews
Read Reviews
Access aggregated ratings and user reviews to find the best parks.
Rate Parks
Share your feedback and rate parks based on your experience.

Easy Registration & Personalization
Simple Signup
Register securely using email, Google or Facebook.
Custom Profiles
Create personalized profiles with your dog’s name, breed and vaccination status for a tailored experience.